Privacy Policy

Altitude Rentals

  1. Personal details you provide us with are never passed to third parties, unless required to do so by law (eg police or national security enforcement). Your personal details will only be used for the fulfilment of the services offered by us.
  2. Payments are taken off our site on a secure https payments website. We do not store or receive your card details. We are not responsible for the privacy policy of the external site, nor are we responsible for the privacy policy of Stripe, our payment handler.
  3. If you have opted in, we may occasionally send you a newsletter or similar marketing email. You can opt out of this anytime by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ on the email or by contacting us.
  4. You have a right to access (request amendment or removal) of any personal details we hold by contacting us.
  5. This privacy policy only covers our website and not any external links. We are not responsible for any activities of websites or organisations on any external links.
  6. We reserve the right to update our privacy policy if required to do so by any law changes or operational changes.

Collection of Guest ID/Passport Info for Check-In


  1. We are obliged to request copies and details regarding your identification to comply with the laws of Spain.
  2. We must notify the Guardia Civil of your arrival (we must submit within 24 hours of arrival).
  3. Your details are only used to facilitate compliance with the law. The identification and related details are never passed to any third parties.
  4. GDPR laws do not purport to apply to the processing of personal data for national security or law enforcements reasons, including your passport and/or identity copies and information.
  5. We reserve the right to update our privacy policy if required to do so by any law changes or operational changes.
  6. Further information of the law regarding guest passport and ID information can be found on: